فارسی عربي


ifilm to air ‘Kingdom of Solomon’

ifilm’s new feature film ‘The Kingdom of Solomon the Prophet’ has been scheduled to go on air on October 21, 2017.

The movie, produced by Mojtaba Faravardeh and directed by Shahriyar Bahrani, takes a close look at the extraordinary life of the Prophet Solomon (PBUH).

Prophet Solomon, king of Judah and the son of King David, asks God to grant him the ideal kingdom. But for this to happen, he has to face a world of evil and an imminent and brutal war.

When the leaders of different Israelite tribes reject his call for help, disaster strikes. Solomon is faced with a world of evil, threatening his kingdom, followers and even family…

The movie cast list includes Mehdi Faqih, Elham Hamidi, Mahmoud Pakniyyat, Amin Zendegani, Zahra Saeedi, Hossein Mahjoub, Javad Taheri, and Alireza Kamali-Nejad.

‘The Kingdom of Solomon the Prophet’, made in 2010, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.

ifilm English will also repeat the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00 (all GMT times).

